Search results

  1. G

    Inappropriate brand/model names

    Frankly, the trend of calling bikes "trail weapons" is really offputting. I want a bike that seeks to minimise its tyre print rather than dominate, etc
  2. G

    Hans Rey came to visit …..

    What a magnificent collection of bikes and memorabilia!
  3. G

    The grim sound of carbon road bikes

    I was gonna say, it sounds like you find the sight of them repulsive until you posted this... Each to their own, but I want a quiet bike - not a noisy one.
  4. G

    Gen 1 Stumpjumper (1982?)

    Missing stem/handlebars(?) would count against paying top whack.
  5. G

    XTR M952 chainring rot

    That's the next Shimano scandal right there....only about 20+ years too late
  6. G

    Kirk Mag FB £150 - Basildon, Essex

    That's a nice example, and about the right price. Riding wise, opinions vary. I never had any problems with mine flexing, but plenty of others did. Quite heavy for the era, but climbs well. It's kyptonite is the various bonded aluminium inserts. These do have a tendancy to fail under hard...
  7. G

    The end is no longer nigh: Kona Bikes

    Happened a few times in the tech world, big company buys a small one, screws it up and founders buy it back for less - sometimes actual pennies on the dollar. Not every merger or acquisition can be a success. At a different time, the Kona/Kent partnership might have worked out, but these have...
  8. G

    In a galaxy far far away....

    She likely did get around a bit, but to call her an old bike is a bit insulting :LOL:
  9. G

    Box Three Prime 9 conversions

    Depends on what you like riding. Personally, I'd happily go lower than a 30t if they were readily available on today's cranks as I love technical hill climbs. A 30-32 chainring is a pretty common set up nowdays - even with a 50t cog.
  10. G

    Box Three Prime 9 conversions

    Box 8 came with my vitus. Solid stuff IME. For sure, I won't be replacing the chain with a special one when it comes to it. Would be good to see more wide range lower speed groupsets.
  11. G

    What's the used vintage bike market like where you live?

    Yes, exactly this. Most of the parts, and many of the bikes, were manufactured in their thousands if not tens or even hundreds of thousands - and 30 years isn't a sufficiently long time to make them rare. Finding pre-WW1, or even Victorian bikes, in great condition - now that's rare and in...
  12. G

    Last chain reaction cycle orders?

    Certain flavours of it definitely. Even a workers cooperative bikeshop has some elements of capitalism (mixed with socialist ones).
  13. G

    Karma FREE Trebz's Karma Giveaway Time - 1988 Specialized Rockhopper.

    I'll take it if it doesn't work out with DB24. Would need to organise a courier though.
  14. G

    Cheap Rocky Mountain!

    Little danger of that :LOL:
  15. G

    Jockey wheel lube ?

    Used to dismantle and carefully grease, now they only get a spray with GT85 without disassembly. As long as they don't squeak I'm happy.
  16. G

    Advise needed for modern fork- Xfusion RC32

    I've had x-fusion forks and they've been lovely. Hopefully the prior posters get theirs sorted.
  17. G

    Withdrawn Saracen race elite 91/92 £60!!!

    I would be a bit surprised if that was the original groupset as I would have expected something higher end on a race elite, but stranger things have happened (it might have been a faulty frame replacement and the original components transferred across), Lovely package either way. The frames...
  18. G

    Royal Mail charges

    I've used it once and it was the usual delivery guy. Somehow they cocked up at the depot and brought it back the next day. Delivery guy was very apologetic.
  19. G

    1992 Konas - why all thumb shifters?

    I had a set (admittedly 200GS) which lasted just six weeks. According to friends, DX ones were just as bad.
  20. G

    1992 Konas - why all thumb shifters?

    No, I didn't. But like many, I opened it up to see what was wrong and instantly regretted it :LOL: