
The new retrobike archive is now online here > http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/gallery2.php . The archive already contains hundreds of scans, photos and articles, however this is only a starting point, with your help it can be bigger and better............
Using archival footage, still photographs and interviews Billy Savage's film Klunkerz tells the story of the sport of mountain biking from those who were there. Some of the biggest names in the industry, as well as some more obscure characters recount the events that shaped the sport we know and love. The first screenings were to sell out crowds at the Mill Valley Film Festival. Check a review here as well as Charlie Kelly's words in the forum. Billy has sent retrobike a picture from the screeing - as you can there was quite a crowd! Picture courtesy of Wyro and Billy Savage. LtoR Top: Joe Breeze, Steve Potts, Tom Ritchey, Bob Burrowes, Otis Guy, Gary Fisher, Fred Wolf, Alan Bonds, Charlie Kelly, Russ Mahon Chris Lang, James...
October 21st sees the thirtieth anniversary of the first Repack race. To quote Repack Ride "October 21 of this year will mark the 30th anniversary of the day six friends decided to answer once and for all time who was the fastest dirt descender in the world. The contest took place on the hill they called "Repack," and apparently the question is still open. I have it on good authority that some of those same principals will show up on the site, possibly at 10:00 a.m., and I think I'll bring the clocks. Just in case. " More details in the forum.
April the 2nd saw fifteen hardy souls brave the rain to meet up at Cannock Chase in the Midlands, UK. Plenty of fine retro kit was on display including 2 Kleins, 3 Fats, a Yeti, Ibis, Pace and Roberts. Gump and Sylvain The morning saw the large group tackle the 8 mile 'Follow the Dog' trail. The inevitable mechanicals and mixture of skill and fitness levels meant this was a leisurely loop. Following a lunch taken sheltered in swinnertons bikes the remenants of the group set out for an afternoon session. Two early mechanical casualties saw the group drop to 8 riders. Gump led the afternoon ride round some of the Chase's less well known but equally good trails. All in all a good day was had by all (I hope!). More pictures can be...

Cycling Bargains
