Chronic Fatigue - Taking bets!


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Any doctors in the house?

For the last few months, I've been getting increasingly fatigued. Not tired, but weak and exhausted. At first I just powered through, a few weekends ago had to take a break mowing the lawn, and today nearly didn't make it back from walking the dog. I genuinely not comfortable driving as my reaction time/concentration etc is now starting to suffer, and doing anything physical is out of the question.

I'm 45, 10.5 stone, don't drink, don't smoke, and am (normally) very active. (cycling, bouldering, walking lots etc).

I have a blood test booked for tuesday - the doctor didn't really seem to know where to start.

I've not idea what it might be and my brain is going from 'you're old' to your time is up'.

Anyone had or experienced anything similar?
welcome to my life after covid last July

my other half has volunteer drivers in the same situation

blood test results first before we call you a girl
I don't know you well enough, or am qualified enough to offer a diagnosis, however If the Doctor does a full gambit of blood test that can rule out/in lots of things. I would keep a diary of symptoms, food etc etc.

Worrying the Doctor didn't know where to start 😬

Good luck chap 🤞
As above, lets see what your bloods bring back. Could be something as simple as low iron. (N.B I'm not a doctor)
At your age and with your active lifestyle I am sure your body will be able to fight most things fine.

Absolutely no point thinking what it might or might not be, just get on with things best you can, occupying the mind with things will help no end.

Only advice I would give is if you do get any possible causes then ask to be referred to a specialist.
hey captain,

hope you feel better, or at least find out what it is, that's the starting point, my sister has a few issues, turned out some of it was to do with particular foods etc that simply didn't agree with her, diet adjusted and big difference.

kettle is always on as you know, welcome to pop down for a cup, bring biscuits though!
My school of thought on this type of problem is how often do any of us take time out and do sod all for a few hours .
We seem always to have to be doing .
Stand back and chill . This is hard to do ,to start with .
I have been to some dark places in the past , so I think I have a reasonable handle on this . No expert , just life and all .
I experienced severe weakness, dizziness and tiredness due to a combination of D vitamin and B12 deficiency. Hope you'll be able to find out what is going on, I had the full bloodwork done too and once they discovered it and I was on supplements I improved rather quickly.

All the best from here

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