The "I'm not doing so well" thread

Just see.n this I know how you feel
I have a wife with a chronic condition and it sure gets me down.

Chin up and keep plodding on!

Get on the bike and get some air!

Cheers James
Hey Chris…. I guess a lot of us can empathise with your comments, and I can only echo what’s been said already.
But if there is one good thing to hang onto it’s this community.
If you fall off your bike just shout, one of us will help you get back on.

Ps I think the Pudding Run might be important for quite a few of us this year.
I've put in a formal request for the world to **** right off for a bit. Hopefully it will be accepted. Although i have no idea who is in charge.

Im going to Hull next week, reckon i might sneak a bike in the boot. 🤔
What brings you to the delights of Hull?

And what size frame do you take? 😂
Here's to hoping things get brighter for you, and thanks for posting as I'm sure there are a few on here that are in a similar spot but can't get the words on the page.

This time of year is never good. Nights draw in, weather turns miserable. Work pressures can increase as year end comes, and then there is the inevitable expectation of Christmas. Just getting stuff out of your head and onto the screen will hopefully give some respite.

I find having things to aim for makes a real difference - even if they are only small things. Push through to the weekend and a park walk and a hot sausage roll, a film and some vino or just a chance to get out into the green and spin the wheels.
Good thread sir, not enough ever said on this malaise but I am glad it gets more of a spotlight. I also know the last thing many of us will do is actually reach out or take up offers of tea and sometimes just to know we aren't alone having a malaise is enough to help. Good thread sir.
Longun … this morning my experience might be a metaphor for everything you have raised … big pressure at work, difficult things happening in the family … woke at 6:30 to hear rain on the skylights, why get up? Nope don’t just lie there …two more minutes under the duvet and then UP….coffee, cereal … raining still ... why cycle when I could go in the car? … Nope … get out the bike and head into the wind and rain. Miserable ride against strong wind … halfway in … beginning to get used to it … nearly there … glad I cycled … mid-morning, if I can cycle in then I can make the phone calls and sort things out and not put things off… nice helpful colleagues … end of the morning out comes the sun, got a lot done, head clear … a miserable day becomes a good one … deep breath, relax, smile ….
I might be over your way @longun , might even do a day or two teaching at the college if they ask again (if it's the local on to you), I'll try hunt you down if I end up there.

That and if you want a gentle ride with us lot and maybe @Andy B we can do something. Or a family trip to the hills of Sherwood Pines or @marc two tone popping up the gentle Leeds ride he does.

Need to get out myself, been putting of riding a bike for ages.

My sister left here school work end of last school year, on the meds now and time away, now getting back in to it but doing slightly different but the same work.