What Degreaser?


Retro Guru
Hi, i need to get some degreaser to de gunk my chain / cassette / jockeys etc and was wondering if i really need to buy expensive cycle specific stuff or will some generic 5ltr screwfix solution be ok? i could prob just soak all parts in a cut down 4 pint milk container. any views would be most welcome. Thanks ;)
Recently heard hair shampoo can work really well.....but haven't tried it myself yet
Lemon juice and fairy washing up liquid in water.

You can use vinegar too, but it doesnt smell as good. Basically the acid breaks down the grease, the washing up liquid acts a surfactant to hold the grease and the water dilutes to thin enough to get in the little holes.

Is it going to be as good as an off the shelve degrease? No. Is it going to work, hell yes. Is it better for the environment? Depends what you buy, but it's pretty harmless.

As to if you should buy bike specific? Nar, it's all marketing.
I always just use washing up liquid, the cheapest I can find. No idea if it is any good. Never tried mixing lemon juice in but will next time
I use this, all the smart stuff is from the internet.
A can of 5l isopropyl is about 25 euros and I mix it into a normal cleaning spray thing thingymajig.

-smart stuff-
There are 3 main parts to a degreaser:

Alkaline booster, to increase the pH, allowing the dirt, grease and grime to be effectively removed, for faster cleaning
Solvent, to cut through tough grime and grease, as well as extract grime and grease from hard-to-get areas
Surfactant, to hold grime and grease in the cleaning solution, preventing it from depositing back on the bikes surface once lifted off by the solvent and the alkaline solution.

50% isopropyl
40% Water (H20)
5% Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
5% Dish-washing Liquid
Automotive engine degreaser. Works fast on chains and cassettes. I just buy whatever brand is on sale. WD40 works well also, but I usually need to hit it with 70% iso alcohol after to get rid of the WD40 residue
I just use the No-Nonsense degreaser from Screwfix, comes in a 5ltr container. I mix it 50:50 with water & put some in a spray bottle, with an old toothbrush it gets things clean quick. Also have a Park chain cleaner/bath thing I got a few years ago, works great in that & also seems to clean the chainring & cassette at the same time.

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